habits for a healthy lifestyle

As we all know each one of us wants to live a healthy and a wealthy life. If your health is good you can try to attain a wealthy life but, if your health is not good then thinking about other things loose it's priority. In order to lead a healthy life, you all need to follow some simple tips by which u can maintain a healthy and a wealthy lifestyle. Nowadays a number of diseases make us weak from inside and the daily routine that we follow is equally responsible for our health. If you try to maintain a simple basic routine and follow it strictly then it will help you a lot in not strengthening in your body not only from inside but also your mind. A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean hours of training at the gym and eating green leaves. In fact, a healthy lifestyle includes regular exercises or yoga, eating food on right time and having adequate sleep. So here I would like to mention about those 5 habits which can help u to lead a healthy lifestyle only by adapting to some simple methods.

REGULAR EXERCISE: Regular exercise not only makes you physically strong but also relaxes your mind. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently which strengths the heart. Regular exercise makes us physically fit and one feels fit and better and one stays healthier. Also, it controls weight, strengthens bones, prevents various chronic diseases like it can reduce the risk of heart attacks, cancer etc. It also reduces blood sugar level and regulates blood pressure. It also helps with the skin health. It increases your energy levels making you active for a day long. Exercise should be made a part of our daily routine following which we feel more fresh and energetic to complete our all tasks of daily routine effectively and smoothly. So following a daily routine of doing exercise whether for short duration or long duration allows you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

DRINK AMPLE WATER: Water is one of the important which has various medicate properties. It not only flushes out toxins from our body but also promotes weight loss, improves skin complexion, boosts the immune system, prevents a headache as it is a natural headache remedy, increases energy and relieves fatigue. It is advisable to drink a glass of hot water in morning and as it can help in cleansing your body by flushing out toxins. Water helps in breaking down the food in your stomach and keeps the digestive system on track. Include a glass of warm water after your meal as it helps in digestion. It also improves circulation. Water not only helps in proper digestion but also helps you to get that glowing natural skin free of pimples, acne and dry, itchy skin. Those with dry skin need to take enough water as it helps them in hydrating their body and those with oily skin need to consume water so as to flush out toxins from their body. So water has its own properties which help you in maintaining a good health and glowing skin.

ADEQUATE SLEEP:  “Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. This phrase is very true as adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle which can benefit your weight, height, mind, body, moods and many more. Sleep makes you feel relaxed, improves memory as you can strengthen memories or practice skills learned while you are awake. One of the important benefits of sleep is it increases your lifespan as too much or too little sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan. Sleep not only relaxes your mind but also prepares our body to complete our daily tasks actively. While lack of sleep leads to a serious illness known as Insomnia, which is nowadays seen very often among youngsters also. Partying late night for a day or one is ok but making this your routine can seriously lead to insomnia, depression etc. So its advisable to sleep before 10 o’clock at night as many important respiratory and the digestive process takes place while you fall asleep. But if you sleep late at night your whole internal system gets disturbed thus affecting your health and activities. You don’t feel fresh even when you wake up late and it disturbs your whole routine. So take adequate sleep as it makes your body fresh and active day long.

TAKE MEAL ON TIME: You should have your meal on right time as eating on irregular time or all day can get you in trouble by disturbing your digestive system. As having breakfast is very important as it’s one o the important meal of the day so never skip breakfast as it prepares the body for the day to come and also lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Also, it should be heavy of all the three meals means you should have a heavy breakfast in the morning. After breakfast another important meal is lunch, generally taken at noon time and it should not be skipped. For kids, lunch is even more important because this is when they get their vitamins and nutrients for the day. It has been proven that people who don’t eat lunch tend to gain more weight because they overeat during dinner time to compensate for lunch. After lunch comes to the dinner which should be taken in less quantity as compared to the above two meals because our activity reduces as the day progresses. Skipping this can give you a reason to crave something sweet at night which is not good for health. So having all three meals on time is very essential for a healthy lifestyle.

EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: For a healthy lifestyle, you should include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet as they are naturally good and contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help you in protecting against some diseases. Fruits provide you with a natural glow to your skin from inside which no other chemical base cream does. Vegetables and fruits can be taken in the raw form of salad or in our meal. Along with health benefits, eating fruits and vegetables can make weight management easier. Less intake or if you don’t include fruits and vegetables in your diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, disease risk, weight gain and worse cardiovascular health. So it is important to include fruits and vegetables in your diet on daily basis.

So these above mentioned are the 5 good habits to live a healthy lifestyle which is free from diseases and makes you live longer. Hope these habits will help you also in attaining a good and healthy lifestyle. 

Hello Friends! As we all know summer has arrived and we all need to take care of our stomach to keep it healthy and cool. Summer brings a lot of diseases and infection with it which are caused by eating unhealthy food and following the wrong routine. In summer we need to pay attention towards our eating habits and the quality of food we are taking. Pitta is one of the three physiological elements that govern the different activities of mind and body. It governs digestion, metabolism, and transformation of the body. Pitta is associated with heat and its effects are especially felt during the hot summer season. Ayurveda says that we can avoid a number of diseases by only following some useful practice of eating healthy and nutritious diet and at a proper time. So here I have prepared some beneficiary Ayurveda tips which can help you in keeping your stomach cool and healthy in the summer season.

As the temperature rises our body tends to feel low. Therefore it is essential to make the necessary precautions regarding our diet and nutrition to ward off the possible health consequences. Here are some tips to keep your stomach in a healthy and disease free-state during summer.

Taking Meal at Right Time   

According to Ayurveda, it is necessary to eat food on right time. Breakfast is the important meal of the day and one should never skip it, as skipping it leads to upset of pitta dosha that makes one feel unhealthy and irritated. At lunchtime digestion system is most active so skipping lunch is also not advisable. Lunch should be your heaviest meal of the day. While at night one should avoid taking heavy meal and also go to bed at least after 2-3 hours of having dinner. Consume half a glass of water before going to bed is also a good practice as it avoids the risk of heart attack. Also one should include the proper amount of all essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber etc. in the diet.  Milk should be taken at night as it helps in digestion. So with these simple tips hope you will maintain good health.

Stay Hydrated all day

Ayurveda tips top keep stomach cool and healthy in summer

One of the important medicines to deal with a number of diseases is WATER. In summer to avoid dehydration, it’s recommendable to drink at least 7-8 liter of water in a day. You can consume water in any form whether it being lime water, digestive lassi, cilantro, watermelon-mint smoothie, mango milk. Water is an essential element for us as it’s the key element of the body. Whenever going outside always carry a bottle of water with you and keep on drinking after a regular interval as it will keep your body hydrated. Those wanted to get flat tummy can take a warm glass of water in the morning and for the effective result can add lemon and honey to it. Avoid taking very cold water or drinks that are ice-cold as it will disrupt digestion. So it’s best to avoid iced drinks, especially during meals.

Intake of Cooling Food

ayurveda tips to keep stomach coola nad healthy in summer

To keep your stomach cool in summer increase the intake of cooling fruits and vegetables. Include water-rich fruits such as Watermelon, plumps, berries, apples, grapes, pears, pineapples, prunes and vegetables like bottle gourd, bitter gourd, celery, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cucumber and asparagus in your diet. These fruits and vegetables will keep your body internally as well as externally cool and healthy. You can also include zucchini as it contains vitamin C and important phytonutrient which leads to healthy bone tissue growth. Freshly blended fruit juices at room temperature are recommended to pacify Pitta during the summer.

Minimize intake of heating foods

To balance Pitta, avoid the food that produces heat in your body. Favor the sweet, bitter and astringent tastes but avoid salty, sour, hot and spicy foods. Sweet foods include bread and rice. Minimize intake of yogurt, sour cream, citrus fruits and spicy foods like cayenne. Vegetables like tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic, and spinach should also be avoided. Cooking with cooling spices like coriander and mint is advisable. Also, reduce using hot spices such as mustard seeds and dried ginger. Favor foods that are liquid rather than dry and cool or lukewarm rather than hot foods. Eat salads, especially during lunch and avoid taking dark meats as they heat up your body.

Avoid excessive intake of beverages

Drinking hot beverages will invite you with an upset pitta dosha.  Avoid excessive intake of caffeine whether in form of coffee, tea etc.  Always choose to drink a beverage at room temperature to balance the digestive system. Up to 400mg of caffeine, a day is safe for consumption. It also leads to increase in blood pressure and increases the risk of heart attacks among young adults. Also, it leads to increase in the odds of developing fibrocystic breast disease and develops incontinence. Excessive intake of caffeine causes insomnia, indigestion, reduces fertility in women, headaches, and allergies. So it’s better to avoid caffeine intake as much as possible. Caffeine leads to increased anxiety and depression. It also inhibits collagen production in the skin.

Avoid fatty fried food

The fatty foods are enjoyed by each one of us but we hardly know its ill effect on our health. It tends to make problem in our digestive system. Fatty fried food like French fries and funnel cakes leads to the production of extra bile in summer which in turn irritates you and increases pitta dosha of your body. So reducing bile production is the key to pacify pitta dosha which you can do by lowering the amount of fatty fried food items. The fatty food should not be the part of your daily routine. Eating fat-rich foods also increases the risk of heart diseases and weight gain. For optimal health, excluding foods that contain unhealthy fats from your diet.

Proper eating habits at right time with the proper amount of healthy food can balance your pitta. So by adopting some of the above tips, you can keep your stomach healthy and cool in summer.

how to get rid of cracked heels fast

We all take care of our face and hands but hardly pay attention to our legs and especially feet. Feet also need daily proper care and nourishment as they get cracked if no attention is paid. Every woman wants to get rid of cracked heels. We hide our heels or ankle if they are cracked and rough. As showing the cracked heels becomes an embarrassing situation for one. Cracked heels are not only embarrassing but are painful and sometimes even bleeding too. All we women rush either to the beautician for the pedicure therapy or buy some foot massaging creams. But we hardly realize that there can be some better methods adopting which can ease our cracked feet. They are simple home-made remedies which can give us smooth and soft heels. After applying various methods for impaired heels and not getting the result as expected make us feel disappointed. To avoid this disappointment follow some natural remedies or methods to get that perfect looking heels.

Here are some easy home-made recipes which can make your cracked and rough heels, smooth and soft.

SEA SALT: Take two tablespoons of sea salt in lukewarm water sufficient for your feet to soak in fully. Now keep your feet soaked in this water for about 15-20 minutes. After 15-20 minutes remove your feet from water and with the help of foot scrub or pumice stone scrape off the dead cells of the feet. After this pat the feet with a towel. Now apply a moisturizer cream and massage it for 10 minutes. For the dry skin apply a heavy cream based moisturizer and then wear cotton socks leaving it for at least 2-3 hour. For better results can keep wearing socks for overnight. Repeat this method 2-3 times in a week, as it will surely heal up your heels.

how to get rid of cracked heels
sea salt

HONEY: Honey helps in healing of cracked heels as it moisturizes them well. For better result take four and tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of almond oil and mix them well. Now mix this solution into a tub of warm water and soak your feet well and massage gently for about 10 minutes. After this soak your feet for 20 minutes and then remove your feet and wash them in lukewarm water. Almond oil contains essential vitamins like Vitamin E and fatty acids which nourishes our feet.

how to get rid of cracked heels

COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil hydrates our feet by moisturizing them properly. For better result, we can mix ¼ cup of coconut oil with ½ cup of Shea Butter Cream and heat them to melt. Once melted remove it from heat and add 15 drops of lavender oil. Now let this mixture cool down so that it doesn’t harm the feet. After cooling you can apply this cream on your feet before going to bed. This mixture gives a relief to the cracked heels. Cracked heels will soon be gone and will transform into smooth and soft heels.

GLYCERIN: Glycerin helps in removing dryness from feet and also acts as a moisturizer. For using it more effectively, mix 1 tablespoons of glycerin with 1 tablespoons of lemon juice. We can also add 1 tablespoons of rose water. Apply this mixture on your feet and then let it stay on for 20 minutes on your feet. After 20 minutes rinse it off with water and pat dry your feet with a towel.  You can also make this mixture and store it in a bottle in the refrigerator and can use it for few days. Just applying it like any cream on feet is sufficient if not having time for a massage. Repeat this process once daily for few weeks and your feet will be back to the normal condition.

how to get rid of cracked heels fast

OLIVE OIL: Olive oil is one of an essential moisturizing agent for our feet. It not only heals our cracked feet but also makes them smooth. For its proper use avoid rubbing it directly onto the skin but following a special way for its better result. Take a ball of cotton and soak it in a bowl containing 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil. Now using the olive oil soaked cotton ball, gently massage your feet in a circular motion. After massaging for about 20-25 minutes, just put on a pair of cotton socks for 1 hour.  After 1 hour gently remove your socks and wash the feet with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy thrice a month. After following this remedy you will get rid of cracked heels.

MOISTURIZING AND EXFOLIATION OF FEET: Besides above-mentioned remedies, one has to follow a strict regime of moisturizing and exfoliating the feet. Regularly washing your feet will prevent it from getting dust which settles down on the outer layer of our feet. Also, exfoliation will help in removal of the dead tissues or cells which accumulate on the skin causing it dried and cracked and moisturizing will help in retaining the moisture level of the feet back in place. Like face and hands, feet also need daily care and look after. So exfoliate and moisturize your feet daily in order to get smooth and soft feet.

PROPER DIET: Feet gets dried and then cracked not only because of external factors like dirt, sand, chemicals etc. but also because of improper intake of diet. Our diet plays an important role in hydrating our body. So drink 7-8 glasses of water daily as it will hydrate our body and thus removing dryness which leads to cracked feet. Also one should have a proper meal which includes proper intake of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, foliates, minerals etc. Eat a proper diet and on time so to avoid the cracking of heels. Proper diet also includes having a meal on right time and not skipping a meal as it leads to proper functioning of our body and thus providing our body with important nutrients.

Following the above remedies, you can get rid of cracked heels and can get those smooth and baby soft feet. Always wear cotton socks whenever moving outside to prevent settling of dirt onto your feet. These remedies will surely prove beneficial for your cracked and rough heels.

hair loss prevention tips
Get healthy hair

As we know that the most important thing which comprises our looks are our hair. They are known to be the ' Jewel of a lady'. So to avoid this precious jewel loss we need to protect them from damage. Today in market number of chemical based hair products are available to make our hair healthy and strong but chemicals are chemicals. On the other side, there are some natural products and method also which enhance our hair growth. In this blog, I want to share my experience with you all as I had also experienced hair loss problem and avoided it by using some natural and safe methods. The only thing we need to do is avoid some of our old bad habits which worsen our hair condition. 

 So Hair problems can be avoided by following these three simple ways.

1. Apply Coconut Hair Oil

We all apply the different brand of hair oil in order to get healthy hair but if we use Coconut Hair Oil, we will get long and shiny hair just in few months. We can apply it either directly or by using cotton balls. If using cotton balls then dab them gently on the scalp and apply it to the roots of the hair. Leaving it overnight or for 2-3 hrs make the scalp moist and healthy. In winters, we can use lukewarm coconut oil for massaging. As massaging helps a lot in opening the pores of the scalp and also removes the dead tissues.

2. Avoid Washing Hairs Regularly

Some of us think that washing hair regularly is a good practice as it keeps our hair dirt free and silky but it's not true as the excessive use of shampoos in hair leads to loss of important nutrients from our scalp leaving it dry and irritated. So apply the shampoo only for 2-3 times in a week. Washing hair daily may lead to problems like dandruff and hair fall. So wash them only when it's necessary. Also applying too much conditioner or after every wash is not beneficial as these chemicals harm the natural beauty of hair.

3. Avoid Combing Of Wet Hairs

hair loss prevention tips
Avoid wet combing

We should not comb our hair when they are wet or say just after the wash because this practice makes hair roots lose and makes hair follicle weak which leads to excessive hair loss. Wet combing only harms the scalp while combing when hairs are completely dry makes hair long length and healthy. We get rid of hair problems like hair fall or hair loss. 

So with these simple but important tips, one can avoid hair related problems up to some extent and also have no side effect. In fact, these tips will make one's hairs grow long and healthy.
6 tips to get glowing skin in summer

Each one of us is in a hurry to get the perfect skin and body. We start applying a lot of nowadays available chemical-based beauty products but we forget that the effect of these chemicals is only for a specific time but natural products effect are everlasting. As summers are near, we all want to flaunt everyone with our beautiful looks and dresses. In summer the most effective thing is our skin. We all want our skin tan free and glowing all time whether it be any season. As due to intense heat or harmful UV rays it gets impossible for us to get a smooth and flawless skin. But there are some ways which we need to follow to get our body tan free and glowing.

So listed below are some simple tips for getting glowing skin in summer


One of the important tip to get a glowing skin is to include Cucumber in the diet on a regular basis.  Not only eating is sufficient but applying its juice on the face for 3-4 times in a week gives a better result. As cucumber contains a large content of water and some part of Vitamin C, Magnesium, Iron, Folate etc which keeps our body hydrated for a longer time. As in summer staying hydrated makes our skin look fresh. So, this tip is helpful in getting us that perfect looking skin.


Water is one of the cheap and best natural product or says medicine that not only get us that super glowing skin but also keeps our body mechanism perfect. So drinking 7-8 glasses of water every day keeps us naturally tan free and acne free skin. Also washing the face 3-4 times daily in summer and one time before going to bed does the same. Water is an important factor on which our skin depends.


Just like cucumber, tomato does the same to our skin. As a natural ingredient, it helps in cleansing of our skin and body. Tomato contains a large amount of water, Vitamin C, minerals etc which hydrates our skin and body. It also purifies our body impurities making us clean not from outside but from inside also. So, applying tomato juice or scrubbing it directly on the face 2-3 times in a week helps in getting the spotless and clear skin.


6 tips to get glowing skin in summer

Aloe vera is one of the key ingredients for the body. It's any form whether it be aloe vera juice, aloe vera gel, aloe vera soap etc is super beneficial for us. Whether drinking its juice or applying its gel on the face keeps our skin free from allergy. Applying its gel on the face before going to bed or for 15- 20 minutes daily will give a glowing skin. If applied to the hair gives a good result.


Proper intake of all essential nutrients is very essential for our body. Skin gets beautiful not only by applying anything from outside on to the skin but by intaking a proper diet in the right amount. Taking a balanced diet which includes a definite amount of vitamin, protein, carbohydrates etc can make us look fresh all time. Avoid eating too much junk and oily food as it affects the natural glow of the skin.


6 tips to get glowing skin in summer

Make a daily routine of doing exercises or yoga to keep the body fit and disease free. Exercise and yoga play an important role in getting us that perfect look as it led to the proper blood circulation in our body which makes our body cells and tissues more active. To minimize stress factor exercises, yoga and meditation Meditation also do the same making us stressfree which automatically makes our skin look more young and glowing.

With these few tips, the wish of getting that super glowy and beautiful look will become possible and also not only skin but our body gets benefits from it.

how to create interest in kids towards studies

As a parent, we all raise this one particular question to us that how can we make our kids study with more interest to improve their academic performance. But somewhere we all forget that forcing our kids will not help them and us either. In fact, we all need to make them realize that studies are all connected to our daily life routine tasks. Everything around us involves one or the other principal of studies. So let's make their studies more interesting and practical so that the kids will enjoy more than before.I have kids n I also myself follow all these methods to ensure that they are enjoying their studies and not feeling it a burden.

Here are some key points which can help you out from this one universal question that every parent tend to ask.


While making a kid study always use a play way technique, so that a kid can learn more easily. One can use different methods like by making the kids watching a film on a projector of the same topic, by which a kid will catch more easily. This makes a kid more engaging and curious to learn about the particular subject. You can also create a drama for kids to understand the history related topic as it will increase their interest towards studies.

how to create interest in kids towards studies


As a parent, we all need to know what a kid wants in order to acquire knowledge. We must know, that by which mode of learning our kid is more comfortable and then provide the kid that method only. All kids have a different way of learning and we need to know these methods. So follow that method only which make your kid engage more in studies and also you need to know is a kid in a mood of studying or not. Choose the optimal method to teach him according to the need.


Each one of us gets motivated by some or the other and same applies to kids. Being a parent, it's our responsibility to keep on motivating our kid whether they fulfill our expectations or not. As it says "Motivation is the key to success". So keep motivating your children as it will help them to be more confident and happy.  Motivation leads to the increase of interest and doing ability among kids. They try to do the same work more efficiently than before after being motivated.


A negative comment does a lot of harm to the kids as they are too small to understand that. Saying negative things makes a kid lose self-confidence. Also, they began to think negative about themselves which influences their physical and psychological growth. If a mother yells at her child, the child may yell back or withdraw into his own world. They feel unwanted, unloved, underserved and unprotected. So watch it next time you yell at your children.


Never force kids to study hard as by doing this they may lack interest in studies and starts making excuses for not doing it. Studies can never be done forcefully as it will not get into their mind. the child can only learn or feel interested when he is free to study in his own way.Also never compare your child to anyone else as every kid has his own specialty. Don't try to make him like someone else as this only creates a lack of interest in kids. So make them study only when they are willing to do so or prepare a timetable and play and study accordingly. 


Always give a reward to your kid as this not only creates his interest towards studies but also motivates him to do much better than before. Also, make rewards fairly immediate and they can be in any form whether be any trip or using a chart and putting a sticker on it or his good performance.  help your kids achieving their goals and also make them understand the value of the reward.

how to create interest in kids towards studies

So in this way, we can encourage our kids by making their studies an easier and interesting task for them. Hope some of these ways will help you out in creating your kid's interest towards studies. 

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As we all know each one of us wants to live a healthy and a wealthy life. If your health is good you can try to attain a wealthy ...

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