how to create interest in kids towards studies

As a parent, we all raise this one particular question to us that how can we make our kids study with more interest to improve their academic performance. But somewhere we all forget that forcing our kids will not help them and us either. In fact, we all need to make them realize that studies are all connected to our daily life routine tasks. Everything around us involves one or the other principal of studies. So let's make their studies more interesting and practical so that the kids will enjoy more than before.I have kids n I also myself follow all these methods to ensure that they are enjoying their studies and not feeling it a burden.

Here are some key points which can help you out from this one universal question that every parent tend to ask.


While making a kid study always use a play way technique, so that a kid can learn more easily. One can use different methods like by making the kids watching a film on a projector of the same topic, by which a kid will catch more easily. This makes a kid more engaging and curious to learn about the particular subject. You can also create a drama for kids to understand the history related topic as it will increase their interest towards studies.

how to create interest in kids towards studies


As a parent, we all need to know what a kid wants in order to acquire knowledge. We must know, that by which mode of learning our kid is more comfortable and then provide the kid that method only. All kids have a different way of learning and we need to know these methods. So follow that method only which make your kid engage more in studies and also you need to know is a kid in a mood of studying or not. Choose the optimal method to teach him according to the need.


Each one of us gets motivated by some or the other and same applies to kids. Being a parent, it's our responsibility to keep on motivating our kid whether they fulfill our expectations or not. As it says "Motivation is the key to success". So keep motivating your children as it will help them to be more confident and happy.  Motivation leads to the increase of interest and doing ability among kids. They try to do the same work more efficiently than before after being motivated.


A negative comment does a lot of harm to the kids as they are too small to understand that. Saying negative things makes a kid lose self-confidence. Also, they began to think negative about themselves which influences their physical and psychological growth. If a mother yells at her child, the child may yell back or withdraw into his own world. They feel unwanted, unloved, underserved and unprotected. So watch it next time you yell at your children.


Never force kids to study hard as by doing this they may lack interest in studies and starts making excuses for not doing it. Studies can never be done forcefully as it will not get into their mind. the child can only learn or feel interested when he is free to study in his own way.Also never compare your child to anyone else as every kid has his own specialty. Don't try to make him like someone else as this only creates a lack of interest in kids. So make them study only when they are willing to do so or prepare a timetable and play and study accordingly. 


Always give a reward to your kid as this not only creates his interest towards studies but also motivates him to do much better than before. Also, make rewards fairly immediate and they can be in any form whether be any trip or using a chart and putting a sticker on it or his good performance.  help your kids achieving their goals and also make them understand the value of the reward.

how to create interest in kids towards studies

So in this way, we can encourage our kids by making their studies an easier and interesting task for them. Hope some of these ways will help you out in creating your kid's interest towards studies. 


  1. Amazing blog just as the previous one very helpful for everyone this blog will become more helpful for me in future ����

  2. I am sure that this blog will help every parents while handling kids....this all will help us ... keep writing

  3. I am sure that this blog will help every parents while handling kids....this all will help us ... keep writing

  4. Very good information to understand our kids better


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