how to get rid of cracked heels fast

We all take care of our face and hands but hardly pay attention to our legs and especially feet. Feet also need daily proper care and nourishment as they get cracked if no attention is paid. Every woman wants to get rid of cracked heels. We hide our heels or ankle if they are cracked and rough. As showing the cracked heels becomes an embarrassing situation for one. Cracked heels are not only embarrassing but are painful and sometimes even bleeding too. All we women rush either to the beautician for the pedicure therapy or buy some foot massaging creams. But we hardly realize that there can be some better methods adopting which can ease our cracked feet. They are simple home-made remedies which can give us smooth and soft heels. After applying various methods for impaired heels and not getting the result as expected make us feel disappointed. To avoid this disappointment follow some natural remedies or methods to get that perfect looking heels.

Here are some easy home-made recipes which can make your cracked and rough heels, smooth and soft.

SEA SALT: Take two tablespoons of sea salt in lukewarm water sufficient for your feet to soak in fully. Now keep your feet soaked in this water for about 15-20 minutes. After 15-20 minutes remove your feet from water and with the help of foot scrub or pumice stone scrape off the dead cells of the feet. After this pat the feet with a towel. Now apply a moisturizer cream and massage it for 10 minutes. For the dry skin apply a heavy cream based moisturizer and then wear cotton socks leaving it for at least 2-3 hour. For better results can keep wearing socks for overnight. Repeat this method 2-3 times in a week, as it will surely heal up your heels.

how to get rid of cracked heels
sea salt

HONEY: Honey helps in healing of cracked heels as it moisturizes them well. For better result take four and tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of almond oil and mix them well. Now mix this solution into a tub of warm water and soak your feet well and massage gently for about 10 minutes. After this soak your feet for 20 minutes and then remove your feet and wash them in lukewarm water. Almond oil contains essential vitamins like Vitamin E and fatty acids which nourishes our feet.

how to get rid of cracked heels

COCONUT OIL: Coconut oil hydrates our feet by moisturizing them properly. For better result, we can mix ¼ cup of coconut oil with ½ cup of Shea Butter Cream and heat them to melt. Once melted remove it from heat and add 15 drops of lavender oil. Now let this mixture cool down so that it doesn’t harm the feet. After cooling you can apply this cream on your feet before going to bed. This mixture gives a relief to the cracked heels. Cracked heels will soon be gone and will transform into smooth and soft heels.

GLYCERIN: Glycerin helps in removing dryness from feet and also acts as a moisturizer. For using it more effectively, mix 1 tablespoons of glycerin with 1 tablespoons of lemon juice. We can also add 1 tablespoons of rose water. Apply this mixture on your feet and then let it stay on for 20 minutes on your feet. After 20 minutes rinse it off with water and pat dry your feet with a towel.  You can also make this mixture and store it in a bottle in the refrigerator and can use it for few days. Just applying it like any cream on feet is sufficient if not having time for a massage. Repeat this process once daily for few weeks and your feet will be back to the normal condition.

how to get rid of cracked heels fast

OLIVE OIL: Olive oil is one of an essential moisturizing agent for our feet. It not only heals our cracked feet but also makes them smooth. For its proper use avoid rubbing it directly onto the skin but following a special way for its better result. Take a ball of cotton and soak it in a bowl containing 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil. Now using the olive oil soaked cotton ball, gently massage your feet in a circular motion. After massaging for about 20-25 minutes, just put on a pair of cotton socks for 1 hour.  After 1 hour gently remove your socks and wash the feet with lukewarm water. Follow this remedy thrice a month. After following this remedy you will get rid of cracked heels.

MOISTURIZING AND EXFOLIATION OF FEET: Besides above-mentioned remedies, one has to follow a strict regime of moisturizing and exfoliating the feet. Regularly washing your feet will prevent it from getting dust which settles down on the outer layer of our feet. Also, exfoliation will help in removal of the dead tissues or cells which accumulate on the skin causing it dried and cracked and moisturizing will help in retaining the moisture level of the feet back in place. Like face and hands, feet also need daily care and look after. So exfoliate and moisturize your feet daily in order to get smooth and soft feet.

PROPER DIET: Feet gets dried and then cracked not only because of external factors like dirt, sand, chemicals etc. but also because of improper intake of diet. Our diet plays an important role in hydrating our body. So drink 7-8 glasses of water daily as it will hydrate our body and thus removing dryness which leads to cracked feet. Also one should have a proper meal which includes proper intake of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, foliates, minerals etc. Eat a proper diet and on time so to avoid the cracking of heels. Proper diet also includes having a meal on right time and not skipping a meal as it leads to proper functioning of our body and thus providing our body with important nutrients.

Following the above remedies, you can get rid of cracked heels and can get those smooth and baby soft feet. Always wear cotton socks whenever moving outside to prevent settling of dirt onto your feet. These remedies will surely prove beneficial for your cracked and rough heels.


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