hair loss prevention tips
Get healthy hair

As we know that the most important thing which comprises our looks are our hair. They are known to be the ' Jewel of a lady'. So to avoid this precious jewel loss we need to protect them from damage. Today in market number of chemical based hair products are available to make our hair healthy and strong but chemicals are chemicals. On the other side, there are some natural products and method also which enhance our hair growth. In this blog, I want to share my experience with you all as I had also experienced hair loss problem and avoided it by using some natural and safe methods. The only thing we need to do is avoid some of our old bad habits which worsen our hair condition. 

 So Hair problems can be avoided by following these three simple ways.

1. Apply Coconut Hair Oil

We all apply the different brand of hair oil in order to get healthy hair but if we use Coconut Hair Oil, we will get long and shiny hair just in few months. We can apply it either directly or by using cotton balls. If using cotton balls then dab them gently on the scalp and apply it to the roots of the hair. Leaving it overnight or for 2-3 hrs make the scalp moist and healthy. In winters, we can use lukewarm coconut oil for massaging. As massaging helps a lot in opening the pores of the scalp and also removes the dead tissues.

2. Avoid Washing Hairs Regularly

Some of us think that washing hair regularly is a good practice as it keeps our hair dirt free and silky but it's not true as the excessive use of shampoos in hair leads to loss of important nutrients from our scalp leaving it dry and irritated. So apply the shampoo only for 2-3 times in a week. Washing hair daily may lead to problems like dandruff and hair fall. So wash them only when it's necessary. Also applying too much conditioner or after every wash is not beneficial as these chemicals harm the natural beauty of hair.

3. Avoid Combing Of Wet Hairs

hair loss prevention tips
Avoid wet combing

We should not comb our hair when they are wet or say just after the wash because this practice makes hair roots lose and makes hair follicle weak which leads to excessive hair loss. Wet combing only harms the scalp while combing when hairs are completely dry makes hair long length and healthy. We get rid of hair problems like hair fall or hair loss. 

So with these simple but important tips, one can avoid hair related problems up to some extent and also have no side effect. In fact, these tips will make one's hairs grow long and healthy.


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