habits for a healthy lifestyle

As we all know each one of us wants to live a healthy and a wealthy life. If your health is good you can try to attain a wealthy life but, if your health is not good then thinking about other things loose it's priority. In order to lead a healthy life, you all need to follow some simple tips by which u can maintain a healthy and a wealthy lifestyle. Nowadays a number of diseases make us weak from inside and the daily routine that we follow is equally responsible for our health. If you try to maintain a simple basic routine and follow it strictly then it will help you a lot in not strengthening in your body not only from inside but also your mind. A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean hours of training at the gym and eating green leaves. In fact, a healthy lifestyle includes regular exercises or yoga, eating food on right time and having adequate sleep. So here I would like to mention about those 5 habits which can help u to lead a healthy lifestyle only by adapting to some simple methods.

REGULAR EXERCISE: Regular exercise not only makes you physically strong but also relaxes your mind. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently which strengths the heart. Regular exercise makes us physically fit and one feels fit and better and one stays healthier. Also, it controls weight, strengthens bones, prevents various chronic diseases like it can reduce the risk of heart attacks, cancer etc. It also reduces blood sugar level and regulates blood pressure. It also helps with the skin health. It increases your energy levels making you active for a day long. Exercise should be made a part of our daily routine following which we feel more fresh and energetic to complete our all tasks of daily routine effectively and smoothly. So following a daily routine of doing exercise whether for short duration or long duration allows you to lead a healthy lifestyle.

DRINK AMPLE WATER: Water is one of the important which has various medicate properties. It not only flushes out toxins from our body but also promotes weight loss, improves skin complexion, boosts the immune system, prevents a headache as it is a natural headache remedy, increases energy and relieves fatigue. It is advisable to drink a glass of hot water in morning and as it can help in cleansing your body by flushing out toxins. Water helps in breaking down the food in your stomach and keeps the digestive system on track. Include a glass of warm water after your meal as it helps in digestion. It also improves circulation. Water not only helps in proper digestion but also helps you to get that glowing natural skin free of pimples, acne and dry, itchy skin. Those with dry skin need to take enough water as it helps them in hydrating their body and those with oily skin need to consume water so as to flush out toxins from their body. So water has its own properties which help you in maintaining a good health and glowing skin.

ADEQUATE SLEEP:  “Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”. This phrase is very true as adequate sleep is a key part of a healthy lifestyle which can benefit your weight, height, mind, body, moods and many more. Sleep makes you feel relaxed, improves memory as you can strengthen memories or practice skills learned while you are awake. One of the important benefits of sleep is it increases your lifespan as too much or too little sleep is associated with a shorter lifespan. Sleep not only relaxes your mind but also prepares our body to complete our daily tasks actively. While lack of sleep leads to a serious illness known as Insomnia, which is nowadays seen very often among youngsters also. Partying late night for a day or one is ok but making this your routine can seriously lead to insomnia, depression etc. So its advisable to sleep before 10 o’clock at night as many important respiratory and the digestive process takes place while you fall asleep. But if you sleep late at night your whole internal system gets disturbed thus affecting your health and activities. You don’t feel fresh even when you wake up late and it disturbs your whole routine. So take adequate sleep as it makes your body fresh and active day long.

TAKE MEAL ON TIME: You should have your meal on right time as eating on irregular time or all day can get you in trouble by disturbing your digestive system. As having breakfast is very important as it’s one o the important meal of the day so never skip breakfast as it prepares the body for the day to come and also lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Also, it should be heavy of all the three meals means you should have a heavy breakfast in the morning. After breakfast another important meal is lunch, generally taken at noon time and it should not be skipped. For kids, lunch is even more important because this is when they get their vitamins and nutrients for the day. It has been proven that people who don’t eat lunch tend to gain more weight because they overeat during dinner time to compensate for lunch. After lunch comes to the dinner which should be taken in less quantity as compared to the above two meals because our activity reduces as the day progresses. Skipping this can give you a reason to crave something sweet at night which is not good for health. So having all three meals on time is very essential for a healthy lifestyle.

EAT MORE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: For a healthy lifestyle, you should include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet as they are naturally good and contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help to keep you healthy. They can also help you in protecting against some diseases. Fruits provide you with a natural glow to your skin from inside which no other chemical base cream does. Vegetables and fruits can be taken in the raw form of salad or in our meal. Along with health benefits, eating fruits and vegetables can make weight management easier. Less intake or if you don’t include fruits and vegetables in your diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, disease risk, weight gain and worse cardiovascular health. So it is important to include fruits and vegetables in your diet on daily basis.

So these above mentioned are the 5 good habits to live a healthy lifestyle which is free from diseases and makes you live longer. Hope these habits will help you also in attaining a good and healthy lifestyle. 

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